12th Annual Plumeria & Tropical Plant Sale
A portion of all proceeds will go to Maui relief.
- Saturday. October 7, 2023 FILLED!
- Sunday, October 8, 2023 FILLED!
- 8:30 am – 2:30 pm both days
- Admission: Free registration required for a one-hour slot to shop
- Free parking
- 5239 Alzeda Dr., La Mesa CA 91941 (Map)
- Tour our unprecedented collection of 300 plumerias in the ground with 1000s of flowers of every color and fragrance!
- Our vendors are selling nearly 200 plumeria cultivars from small to large; all different colors & fragrances; large to small, some as low as $10! (And they’re water-wise plants!)
- Each vendor will accept its own payments. Most take cash, checks, credit/debit cards, PayPal, and Venmo.
- No holds and no shipping.
IMPORTANT: Registration required! Free admission but you must register for a one-hour time slot:
Cultivar List – plumerias, hibiscus, tropicals, and hoyas.
We’ll have these experienced, reputable plumeria vendors:
- Mike Atkinson, Atkinson Plumeria
- Alex Franco, Plumeria Papa
- Erik Jordan, Jordan Plumerias
- John & Pam Mason
- Doug Nadasdy, Tiki Tropic Plumeria (Saturday only)
- Kevin & Traci Peterson, Peterson Plumeria
- Steve Salley, Hula Tropicals
- MaryAnn & Aaron Silverthorn
- Rooted, potted plumeria plants
- Plumeria bloom displays
- An amazing array of exotic hibiscus and tropical plants
- Plumeria- and Hawaiian-designed products – aprons, backpacks, tote bags, and more from Awesome Aloha
- Handmade-painted Aloha pots, note cards, signs, ornaments, and picture frames from Heather Atkinson
- Plumeria jewelry from Jewelry Designs by Judy
- Plumeria soaps from Best Life Soap Company
- Cutting\charcuterie boards with plumeria and more designs from 619WoodCrafts
- Kapu Coffee will offer its amazing, unique line of creative cold brews and lemonades
Vendors will all be under shade. Make sure to bring:
- Hat
- Sunscreen
- Close-toed shoes
- Water
- Aloha Spirit!
Our property has many uneven surfaces, slopes, hills, soft dirt, etc. Parking is in the back and requires walking uphill to get to the front, which means it would most likely not be wheelchair- or walker-friendly, though we do have a drop-off spot just after the entrance.
Rain or shine.
If you have questions, please contact us.